Gold, Hollah!

Like many of you, we are completely obsessed with Pinterest here at Revelry Row! As avid collectors of magazine tear-sheets, we love to collect any and all images that inspire us in new and inventive ways but keeping up with all of them can be a HUGE problem. Enter Pinterest! Not only can you grab and save all of the gorgeous images you find on-line, you can also organize them by category as you save them. Now, if organizing that giant pile of tear-sheets on my desk were this easy…

Check out our newest board – Gold, Hollah! And if you like what you see, please consider following Revelry Row!

Gold, Hollah | Revelry Row on Pinterest

Designing a Life

It’s not often that people feel like they have TOO many good things come their way all at once but that’s exactly how I feel at the moment. I have had a whirlwind couple of weeks and feel very fortunate to have had several exciting business opportunities and happy personal moments come my way recently. It’s made me reflect on what’s most important to me right now and to think more carefully about how I want to build my future with my husband. I found these words very helpful this morning!

Words to Live By | Revelry Row

Higher Ground

When I was younger, I thought it was really important to have a million friends and spent a lot of time making sure everyone “liked” me. As you get older, you have less and less time to spend worrying about what people think. Fortunately, I have a super fab group of friends & family that have been incredibly supportive of this venture and I couldn’t have done it without them!

Words to Live By | Revelry Row