Lose Sight

Whether it is traveling across the ocean or moving to a new city, taking these chances are what allows us to achieve our dreams. When I was younger I was lost in who I was and what I wanted out of life. I was stuck in this comfortable and predictable rut and I knew I needed change. I moved to New York City and it changed my life. I was so afraid and nervous about being alone in such a new place, but I knew I had to get out there and take the chance. I had to cross my own ocean and lose sight of the shore even when I didn’t know what was waiting on the other side.


Find Joy

As we rush through out our busy lives and find the days just passing by, we miss the beauty in the every day. Sometimes it can be as simple as a ray of sunlight or the sound of the wind that can bring us any comfort or happiness that we need. No matter where we are or what we are doing, we should all just take a minute to notice the world around us.



There are a lot of times in life where you’ll be challenged when an opportunity comes your way. The unknown can be scary, but if we never did things because we were too afraid or nervous, we would miss out. I had the chance to live in Sweden for a total of six months and when I was packing my bags I remember being so scared. I didn’t know what to expect, or even how it would feel to be away from my home. In the end I just took a deep breath and trusted the opportunity. It completely changed my life and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. Sometimes doing what we are afraid to do is exactly what we needed all along.


Within Us

This quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson happens to be my favorite quote of all time. I grew up in a small town where big dreams weren’t always a reality. I knew that if I wanted to make my dreams come true and get out there in the world, it would have to come from within myself. Through hard work and dedication, I pushed through and I am where I am today because of it. Just because something seems impossible, we can’t let ourselves be bogged down by limitations. No matter what has happened in the past or what is to come, we can all rest assured that it’s what is inside all of us that is going to get us to where want to be.



Without laughter, I don’t know if I would have made it to where I am today. Life throws so many curveballs and unforeseen situations that can easily tear you down, but through the years, I’ve discovered that just smiling and laughing about whatever was happening helped to make it that much easier to conquer. So if you’re feeling stressed or worried about something in life, or just trying to get over the fact that it’s Monday, just try to laugh about it. It will make it that much more easier to bear!




Embrace yourself for who you are and always remember that it’s what makes you different that makes you irreplaceable! I spent a good chunk of my childhood essentially wishing I could be “just like” another girl at my school. It took me a long time to realize that I didn’t need to change, I was perfect just the way I was because that was what made me “me”. We’re all perfect just the way we are: unique and different, yet always irreplaceable.

Different - Revelry Row

You Will

Sometimes it is so easy to look at a dream or goal and think because it is so far away that it will surely never happen. Even if it seems impossible, it isn’t. You can have anything that you set your mind to, and if you believe in it then you’re already half way there. Believe in yourself and believe in your dreams!

You can

Stand Out

When I was younger I wanted to be anyone but myself. Filled with these silly notions of fitting in, I focused on conformity and being just like the people I surrounded myself with. It is so easy to want to fit in and just seamlessly blend into the background of our everyday lives. When did standing out become such a bad thing? Everyone was created so beautifully different and weren’t put on this Earth to be anyone but themselves. You’re beautiful and special just the way you are! Embrace that!

Stand Out - Revelry Row